Choosing a toy for a 1 year old girl
As we mentioned earlier, kids are fascinated by cause and effect at this stage of growth. That means that they love toys which are designed to respond to their actions, stimulating them to learn in the process. These toys also help them make use of their fine motor skills, which are just in the process of developing.
Buttons, melodies, tunes, opening and closing – anything interactive that responds to their input and requires them to do things is a great gift. A lot of toys for 1 year olds teach letter, numbers, colors, shapes, opposites – it’s a great way to introduce new concepts to your child, although it’s not expected for her to learn numbers and letters yet.
Choosing a toy for a 2 year old girl
At this age, you can be guided by the same principles of choosing toys for a 1 year old. In fact, they’ll likely be playing with their old toys still. Just introduce something a little bit more complicated when getting newer toys – whether it’s something that requires just a bit higher fine motor skills, or something with more options, buttons, and tunes.
This is also the time to get toys that help them maintain their balance and encourage gross-motor skills – a stand-up activity center that helps them stay balanced is a great choice.
Choosing a toy for a 3 year old girl
Now that your child is much better at maintaining balance, it’s the perfect time to encourage walking and building gross-motor skills with push-along toys. Ride on toys are also ideal at this age, as she will be much better at balancing on them without help. Also, she will have more developed fine motor skills now, so she’ll be entertained by toys that require some niftiness and nimble fingers. Look for toys with numerous pieces that can be combined together to make new sets, which will also be a great way to build sequencing and building skills.
Choosing a toy for a 4 year old girl
You know it already: once they reach the age of 4, there’s an explosion of leanring ability. Your child’s play becomes more purposeful and she needs a challenge. Not just that, but you’ll notice how she’s starting to express her unique personality and characteristics – children express a strong sense of self at this age.
She’ll be imagining intricate worlds inside hear head, and the best thing you can do is cultivate her imagination through toys that encourage creativity and role play or just let her invent new ways of using them.
Choosing a toy for a 5 year old girl
Whether you agree with it or not, you might notice that your little girl prefers stereotypical “girl-toys”. Don’t fight it, because this is only a time of strong self-expression. Maybe she likes to mimic her mother or is really fascinated by Disney princesses.
Get toys that support her current fascinations but also promote problem-solving and use of logic. Building sets are a great example, and they encourage imaginative role play once the building is finished. This is also a time to encourage sharing and socialization, so choose toys that can be played with in two’s or groups.
Choosing a toy for a 6 year old girl
This is the gentle age when children start expressing their own needs and wants and start to have a better understanding of the world around them. They love to play games that allow them to use their imagination and role-play activities are among the most interesting games for them.
The best toys for 6 year old girls would include the ones that promote social interaction, as this is the time when they start making friends and learn to share. They will also benefit greatly from being exposed to and encouraged to do arts and crafts, as it helps develop their motor skills further.
Choosing a toy for a 7 year old girl
It seems like 7 year old girls want nothing else than to play games and this is a good thing as any form of play will improve their sensory learning. They still love pretend-play, but now they’re growing increasingly curious and start playing outside their ‘old’ boundaries. They start using their imagination more and can even make elaborate scenarios in their minds.
The best toy for girls age 7 would be the ones that will help nurture their innate curiosity and allow them to be as creative as they want. This is also a good idea to introduce some educational values and help them prepare for school.
Choosing a toy for an 8 year old girl
Girls age 8 and older learn about the importance of school and education, but they are still trying to find ways to turn their tasks into games, an approach that will help them a lot later in life. They know that school is their obligation, but they would much rather spend time outside; so why not help them get the best of both worlds? Toys that girls this age will love most are educational but also fun, and it’s even better if they are able to share them with their friends and invite them to play together.
Choosing a toy for a 9 year old girl
Even though they are still little girls who love their dolls, 9 year olds are approaching that tricky “tween” age that’s s exhausting for both them and their parents. This is why toys should help ease this transition and show them that getting older and more mature is not a simple step, but rather a long process. Toys that they will choose at this age would combine elements of childhood and adulthood and allow them to pretend they’re older.
Toys should entertain them and make them feel safe, but they should also be educational as they will soon start middle school and their academic achievement is very important too.
Choosing a toy for a 10 year old girl
This is the age where children should learn a lot not just about the world, but about themselves as well. That way, they will feel more confident in their own abilities and strengths and will be ready to tackle the big challenges that lie ahead: puberty.
Pay close attention to their interests, but don’t shy away from encouraging them to step out of their comfort zones and try to find something new they will love: princesses, robots, dinosaurs, art, singing, dancing, sports… Get them toys that will further improve the talents and abilities they already have and perhaps even help them discover some they didn’t even know they possess.